Analytical Validation of SKY92 for the Identification of High-Risk Multiple Myeloma



Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable plasma cell cancer with a large variability in survival. Patients MM classified as high risk by the SKY92 gene expression classifier are at of relapse and short Analytical validation assay was performed primary bone marrow specimens from 12 patients 7 reference line specimens. The results were 100% concordant and/or their expected result for sensitivity, specificity, microarray stability, RLT buffer stability. 90% specimen 96.4% intermediate precision, 80% to RNA For cell-line reproducibility, concordance least 92.9%, except one near-cut point specimen. clinical 100%, two Three independent laboratories ≥77.8% ≥92.9% experiments patient lines, respectively. Statistical acceptance thresholds developed Δ ≤1.48 (change score) SD ≤0.45 (SD across scores). Using Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute method choice (EP05-A2/A3), restricted maximum likelihood, observed values (0 1.14) SDs (0.22 0.31) passed criteria. 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Fresh aspirates collected heparin EDTA-containing collection tubes processed Ficoll density gradient (HISTOPAQUE-1077 H8889; Sigma-Aldrich, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands) obtain mononuclear followed immunomagnetic separation CD138-positive cells EasySep Human CD138 Positive Selection Kit (18357; Stemcell, Köln, Germany). extracted Qiagen AllPrep kits (Mini 80204 Micro 80284; Benelux BV, Venlo, Netherlands), quantity purity measured spectrophotometry (NanoDrop 2000; ThermoFisher Scientific, Breda, integrity Bioanalyzer (2100; Agilent, Amstelveen, Netherlands). cDNA prepared biotinylated 3′ IVT Plus hybridization wash stain kit (catalog numbers 902416 900720, respectively; Thermo Fisher, Fragmented copy reagents produce cocktails hybridized [based U133 2.0 GeneChip design (Thermo Fisher Singapore)], then scanned GCS3000Dx version (Dx2 instrument; Fisher). To ensure quality end result, control (QC) evaluated (Supplemental S2). If met, declared invalid excluded subsequent (in keeping routine protocols). generated uploaded Omnibus repository (, available accession number GSE159289. calculated previously described.6Kuiper raw MAS532Wilson C.L. C.J. Simpleaffy: BioConductor package Affymetrix analysis.Bioinformatics. 21: 3683-3685Crossref (302) normalized, log2 transformed, mean variance normalized against fixed set probe sets multiplied weighting summed score, which defined when ≥0.7774, either (<0.7774) (≥0.7774). ordinal derived dimensionless score. Acceptance 83 representative Heamato Oncology Foundation Adults Netherlands (HOVON87)/Nordic (NMSG18) trial,32Wilson distribution (Figure 1A). Figure 1B shows relation added proportion class switching. Gaussian noise until 10% switched classification. corresponding switching 0.45 (C5-C95 around 0.7774 = 0.04 1.52) 1.48 exceeded. Agreement percentages following ILA28-A2E,29CLSI agreement (OA) (PHR + PSR), percentage wherein HR SR PHR PSR probabilities. limit detection varying input amounts triplicates three (RS2, RS3, RS4). 50, 100 (standard), 500 ng. QC, resulted did exceed threshold 2A 1), justifying amount ≥100 ng material provide robust SY92 result. training set6Kuiper (based CD38 flow cytometry separation) ≥80% purification, also QC cutoff testing. An impact minimum tumor content diluting freshly healthy volunteer white blood cells. Triplicates (RS3 RS4) purities 70%, 80%, 90%, 2B 1). Duplicates single run (Pa5 Pa7) 98%, 70% prespecified versus identified positively correlated linear R2 scores, RS3 (P 0.0008) RS4 0.0065) but impacting 2B). This further emphasized highly significant regression lines small β values. These justify chosen (≥80% purity) criterion assay.Table 1Summary ResultsStudySubstudySubparameterOverall agreement, %Observed ΔCriterionConclusionSensitivityMinimum input50 RNA500 RNA1001000.29, 0.16, 0.120.25, 0.61Δ < 1.48PassPassMinimum contentRS3 (70%–100%)Pa5 Pa7 (98% 70%)1001000.61 1.140.68 0.28Δ 1.48PassPassSpecificityInterfering substancesHeparin (3 concentration)1000.03, 0.01, 0.08Δ 1.48PassEDTA concentration)1000.18, 0.20, 0.22Δ 1.48PassHemoglobin (1 concentration)1000.02Δ 1.48PassFicoll concentration)1000.04Δ 1.48PassPrecisionRepeatabilityPooled S3)96.40.22SD 0.45PassIntermediate precisionPooled S3)0.28SD 0.45PassReproducibility linesAcross laboratories: RS1RS2RS3RS4RS5RS6RS7Across samples: 1-laboratory 2Laboratory 3Laboratory 2-laboratory 310010010010010055.310092.992.995.10.31 (Across samples)SD samplesAcross Pa5Pa8Pa10Pa11Pa12Across 310051.910057.410083.375.677.80.30 0.45PassStabilityMicroarray 3 lots24 months 4°C1000.00Δ 1.48PassPrimary sample stability24 hours room temperature marrow900.43Δ 1.48PassIntermediate stabilityPa8 Pa9 0–6 0–11 months80 (8/10) (3/3)0.76 0.14Δ 1.48PassPa5 0–1 5 0–3 months100 (5/5) (2/2)0.32 0.63Δ 1.48Pass Open table new tab Interfering substances can biological compounds intrinsic external reagent compounds. largely removed during workup levels processing could 33 experiments, interferants analyzed per guideline EP07-A3.27CLSIInterference (fold increase parentheses) spiked (RS3, 107/mL): heparin, 35.9 IU/mL (approximately 2×), 73.7 4×), 187 (11×); EDTA, 3.8 mg/mL 7.8 19.8 hemoglobin, mg/mL; 20%. (Table validating interfering do repeatability (within-run precision) precision (between-run EP05-A3 ILA28-A2 standard, respectively.26CLSIEvaluation Scholar,29CLSI Five (RS1 RS7) [RS5 RS6 (near point)] runs (different days). 252 assays pseudorandomized experimental order, where variables (three lots, Dx2 instruments, operators) duplicate. tests Shapiro-Wilk33Shapiro S.S. Wilk "An normality (complete specimens)".Biometrika. 1965; 52: 591-611Crossref testing, Grubbs34Grubbs Sample testing outlying observations.Ann Math Stat. 1950; 27-58Crossref outlier Brown-Forsythe35Brown Forsythe A.B. Robust equality variances.J Am Stat Assoc. 1974; 364-367Crossref (1701) heteroscedasticity thus evaluation mixed effect model, maximal likelihood. Repeatability duplicates all seven 0.27 (95% CI, 0.17–0.30) RS5, pooled 0.22 0.00–0.13). Intermediate variable [operator 0.07 0.00–0.13); 0.13 0.09–0.17); 0.01 0.00–0.06); instrument 0.00 0.00–0.04); 0.04–0.12)]; 0.28 0.25–0.30) 1, S3, 3A). largest 0.31 and, therefore, no exceeded maximally allowed 0.45, demonstrating consequently, imprecision stayed far below 10%. reproducibility standard26CLSIEvaluation Netherlands, Kingdom, States). RS4, RS7

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عنوان ژورنال: The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1943-7811', '1525-1578']